~ 5 ingredients / 20 minutes / easy / japanese/ recipe

Chipotle Sweet Potato Noodle Salad
with Roasted Corn

  • Desert
  • Asian
  • Spicy

Chipotle Sweet Potato Noodle with Roasted Corn

4.9 from 25 reviews
  • Prep time: 10 min
  • Cook time: 10 min
  • Yield: 5
For the salad
  • 1 brick of frozen udon
  • 1/2 cup kimchi, plus a bit of kimchi juice
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 sac of mentaiko
  • sliced green onions and nori, to finish
For the dressing
  • 1 brick of frozen udon
  • 1/2 cup kimchi, plus a bit of kimchi juice
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 sac of mentaiko
  • sliced green onions and nori, to finish
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 sac of mentaiko
Nutrition Facts
Serves 4
  • Total Fat : 20.4g
  • Cholesterol : 2%
  • Chalories: 345


food, substance consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients used in the body of an organism to sustain growth and vital processes and to furnish energy. The absorption and utilization of food by the body is fundamental to nutrition and is facilitated by digestion.

Food is treated in a number of articles. For a description of the processes of absorption and utilization of food, see nutrition; nutrition, human; digestion; and digestive system, human. For information on the methods used to prepare raw foods for cooking, consumption, or storage, see food preservation.


  • 01. Weight (weight ounce, pound) measures how heavy or dense a food is. Weight should only be used when the SP knows the weight from the package label, a menu, or a food weighing scale. When recording weight, follow the Q5 column probes to obtain the form of the food item since this will be required as part of the answer to Q5. For example, if the respondent reports the weight ounces of a porkchop, you will need to ask whether it was a raw or cooked weight, and whether the weight included the bone and/or included the fat. Volume (fluid ounce, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon) measures how much space a food takes up. Fluid ounces should only be used for liquids. Cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons can be used to report both liquid and solid volumes. Always collect level cup, tablespoon, or teaspoon measures. Size (small, medium, large, length, width, height) measures the physical dimensions or proportion of a food.
  • 02. An ADDITION is any food item that is added by the SP or by someone else for the SP. For example, butter is an addition to toast if a child spreads it at the table and it is also an addition if the mother buttered the toast before she served it to the child. The ADDITION question is always the last question in column Q4.
  • 03. When a respondent reports an addition, record it on a separate line in the Food/Drink and Additions column. Continue to probe for more additions using "Anything else?" until the respondent has reported and you have recorded all of the additions. Then ask the amount the SP actually ate/drank (Q5) of the food item to which the addition(s) was made. Lastly, obtain descriptive detail (Q4) and quantity consumed (Q5) of each addition.
  • 04. Following is an example for asking about and recording ADDITIONS. 1. The SP reported eating Cheerios. You have asked the probes and recorded the detail in the Q4 column of the Intake questionnaire. You then ask about additions: "Did you add anything to the Cheerios?" 2. The SP reports milk as an addition. You record the reported addition (milk) on the next line in the Food/Drink and Additions column, and ask "Anything else?" The SP says milk was the only addition. 3. You ask Q5 for Cheerios ("How much of these Cheerios did you actually eat?"), and record the response in the Q5 column of the Intake Questionnaire. 4. Locate milk in the FIB then ask Q4 (description) and Q5 (amount) for the milk. The answers to the above example have been recorded below. Notice that the food items (Cheerios and milk) are bracketed to show that they were eaten together.



HOME RECIPES: A home recipe is a dish that was made from scratch or from more than one ingredient and not from a commercial mix alone.


The first category (Fast Food Sandwiches) includes only sandwiches purchased at the following fast food places: Arby's, Burger King, Hardees, Jack-in-the-Box, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Roy Rogers, White Castle, and Wendy's. If the sandwich is from one of these places, you need only get the name of the sandwich and any changes made to the standard item (deletions or additions).

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